Barhocker Barsessel LONG ISLAND Polyrattan Teakholz von Destiny
Barhocker Barsessel LONG ISLAND Polyrattan Teakholz von Destiny
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Kann ein Barhocker auch bequem sein? Natürlich! Der Barsessel LONG ISLAND bietet hohen Sitzkomfort und ist außerdem ein echter Hingucker!


  • Barsessel mit Arm und Rückenlehne 
  • Sitzschale aus hochwertigem Polyrattan Rundgeflecht grau, auf einem stabilen Aluminiumrahmen
  • Beine aus Teakholz
  • Polster aus 100% Polyester strukturiert in taupe
  • Polsterauflage mit Reißverschluss bei 30°C waschbar, bitte kein Trockner
  • Tisch aus wetterfestem Teakholz
  • Lieferung montiert
  • ohne Deko


      -Höhe: 120 cm 

      - Breite 60 cm

      -Tiefe 60 cm                                                                                                                      


A modern style of a long island.
This barhock is a very popular style from the line. The wood and weave combination gives it a very unique and unique look. It can be used for many different purposes including a large room or small area. You may also use this barhocking to create a smaller area to store your belongings and to have more storage space in the kitchen or even as a table top. This is a great choice if you are looking to add some style and color to your space.
A modern style of a long island.
This barhock is a very popular style from the line. The wood and weave combination gives it a very unique and unique look. It can be used for many different purposes including a large room or small area. You may also use this barhocking to create a smaller area to store your belongings and to have more storage space in the kitchen or even as a table top. This is a great choice if you are looking to add some style and color to your space.
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